Alcoholics are twisted.
That goes for any form of addiction, be it to pornography, internet, substances like cocaine and amphetamine, cigarrettes and even the most unlikely of food or sport addiction (the latters being more of adrenaline instead of dopamine or serotonin induced).
Ever heard of CAGE questionnaire? Instead of specific for alcohol, i'd apply it to addiction in general.
1. Feel the need to Cut down?
2. Feel Annoyed when people say you're overdoing it?
3. Feel Guilt when overdoing it?
4. Compulsion to do it at waking up (Eye opener)?
If we think about these four questions about certain things in our life, probably we'll find that there are a few things that we unconciously has become addicted to. It's find as long we get positive outcome from it, but not if it hamper our ability to carry our responsibility and stop us from other important things.
Step back and ponder.
Addiction to love of Allah and His prophet is an example of good addiction.
I wish for myself....
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